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The Author

Selina Meade is passionate about helping others navigate the tender journey of relationships – with oneself, that special someone, friends and family. Thought she’d have the white picket fence by now, including Prince Charming and the basketball team of babies, however the dream hasn’t yet evolved in the manner she had hoped for. Faith-filled and still hopeful, she hasn’t given up on her life’s desires but instead has chosen to adapt and pushes forward.

Admittedly, she’s broken a few hearts herself and has also had her own heart broken. She well knows first-hand, the pain associated with heartbreak. Known for spouting advice and well-meaning guidance to those she comes into contact with, Selina has chosen to embrace and share her life’s lessons from past challenges.

In spite of it all, her strength continues to grow for the great that lies ahead. Although a wordsmith at heart, this is Selina’s first published book.


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Life Lessons from a Broken Heart

Life Lessons from a Broken Heart